Play a card out of your hand, place a chip at the corresponding space at the game surface.
With touches of canasta, rummy, and poker, this game could easily turn out to be a Friday-night favorite. The item is to get a “sequence,” which means a row of 5 poker-like chips at the game board. The board itself depicts lines of face-up playing cards. Players place their “crowning” chips on top of the cardboard pictures, and can form sequences by the usage of strategy and knowing which Sequence cards to keep or discard. Since forethought, luck, and backup plans are the keys to winning, this game is more than likely too sophisticated for children under 7 years old. (But young ones can team up with adults.) Included are 104 playing cards and 50 crowning chips in every color: red, blue, and green. –Gail Hudson
Ages 7 ys +
2-12 players on 2 or 3 teams
Contents include game board, 135 chips, sequence cards and game instructions (in English and Spanish).
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