Last year, a random Amazon user left us a 1 Star review, claiming too many Joking Hazard cards rely on sex, boobs and butt stuff to be funny. This scathing and accurate criticism kept us up each and every night since, until one way we had a truly, truly good idea. What if we added more sex, boobs and butt stuff to Joking Hazard? and what if we got pornhub to lend a hand us, since they are clearly the experts? introducing stroking HAZARD, an official collaboration between cyanide & happiness and pornhub. Pump these 50 modern cards into your deck, and start playing with your friends on a whole new level.
Cyanide & Happiness and Pornhub bring you 50 steamy new cards to add to your Joking Hazard game!
This is an expansion pack! It requires Joking Hazard to play
50 porn-themed cards so erotic they must be banned in all places except for Utah, where they are needed most
Yes, we came up with the name “Stroking Hazard” first and then worked backwards
If you wish to subtly turn your Wednesday game night into an orgy, but are too afraid to ask, this is how one can do it
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